Tried everything & still sick or in pain?

If you’ve spent months, years, or even decades (not to mention thousands of dollars) trying everything under the sun—pills, diets, supplements, complicated detox protocols, & more—but still can’t solve your health issues, what if I said you could learn to use the sun itself to heal? 


Tried everything & still sick or in pain?

If you’ve spent months, years, or even decades (not to mention thousands of dollars) trying everything under the sun—pills, diets, supplements, complicated detox protocols, & more—but still can’t solve your health issues, what if I said you could learn to use the sun itself to heal? 

Irene Lyon
Sarah Kleiner Wellness
Live Vitae

My name is Carrie, and I want to help you understand your health or the health of your clients from a quantum perspective.

Why? Because in spite of all the complex information you've been told, human health is actually built on a foundation of four simple things:


Getting sunlight in your eyes and on skin at key times of day, blocking artificial light when it's dark out, and understanding red & infrared light.


Building up the "exclusion-zone" water in your body, avoiding things that reduce it, and tending to your quantum connective tissue.


Gathering energy through contact with the Earth's magnetic field, grounding while indoors, and creating your own electrons through movement.


Mitigating exposure to non-native EMFs, practicing proper breathing techniques, aligning your habits with the seasons, and cold plunging.

So, how can I help you learn more?

You're just starting.

You're fairly new to the quantum perspective, so you'd love to learn the basics—general but foundational info to get you going. Like improving your light environment and how it can enhance your sleep and erase your fatigue, the best times of day to be outside, how your body’s energy is dependent on electron flow, and more.

Start Here

You want to go deeper now.

You want to learn more about specific topics—like how to apply quantum biology in your own life to help with depression, anxiety, mitochondrial healing, gut issues, or other health symptoms you're experiencing. Or, you're pretty healthy but intrigued to know how these practices could help you feel even better.

Take a Course

You need real-time advice.

After learning through all of my other content, you have a good grasp on many quantum biology topics and how to apply them in your life. Now you want to ask me questions in real-time so you can dig into your individual symptoms or interests. In my membership group, I offer 3.5 hours of live Q&As every week.

Join My Community

You're a health professional.

You're a naturopath, chiropractor, midwife, doula, massage therapist, doctor, or other health professional, and you have a feeling that integrating quantum and circadian biology into what you already do will help your clients see better health results than ever. So, you'd like to learn how.

Get Trained

You're just starting.

You're new or fairly new to the quantum perspective, so you'd love to learn the basics—general but foundational info to get you going. Like improving your light environment and how it can drastically enhance your sleep and erase your fatigue, the best times of day to be outside, how your body’s energy is dependent on electron flow, and more.

Start Here

You want to go deeper.

Now that you know a lot of the quantum health basics, you want to learn more about specific topics—like how to apply quantum biology in your own life to help with depression, anxiety, mitochondrial healing, gut issues, or other health symptoms you're experiencing. Or, you're pretty healthy but intrigued to know how these practices could help you feel even better.

Take a Course

You need advice.

After learning through all of my other content, you have a good grasp on many quantum biology topics and how to apply them in your life. Now you want to ask me questions in real-time so you can dig into your individual symptoms or interests. Like joining our group live calls or scheduling a one-on-one health coaching session with me.

Join My Community

You're a health professional.

You're a naturopath, chiropractor, midwife, doula, massage therapist, doctor, or other health professional, and you have a feeling that integrating quantum and circadian biology into what you already do will help your clients see better health results than ever. So, you'd like to learn how.

Get Trained

What Clients Have Said

“Carrie not only provides accurate scientific information but the 'why' and the 'how,’ which was why I’ve had several big 'ah-ha moments’ [watching her courses]. Despite having a Ph.D. in molecular biology, I’ve learned a lot from Carrie—far better and more applicable to daily life or clients than anything I ever learned at university. She has wonderful energy and is great at handling questions professionally and non-egotistically.”

— Sarah P.

“I love your ability to explain quantum biology concepts. I have a BS in biology, so I can understand the technical aspects, but your work makes these concepts approachable and fun. I also love and appreciate your enthusiasm and the genuine way you relate to everyone in your online membership group, Living Quantum-ly. I have taken most of your courses and the material is organized and the concepts are taught in a way that is easy to grasp. I wasn't sure about signing up for another course, but I have been pleasantly surprised with all that I am learning (on top of what I already have learned in other courses and Q&As). You are a jewel!!! And I am grateful I came across your Instagram account last fall. ”

— Teresa D.

Carrie is a beautiful blessing and light to my world. The enlightening information, knowledge, and time that Carrie shares in her courses and membership groups, on Instagram, or in one-on-one consults has been life-changing. She listens and shares from the heart and mind while combining different aspects of vibrant health with proven science and actionable steps, yet meeting me at my comfort level to take action. Carrie is simply amazing! ”

— Meryl L.
Nice to Meet You!

I'm Carrie, and I know what it's like to nearly give up on healing.


For years since college, I'd had health issues, even though I looked healthy. I was a personal trainer and a massage practitioner, but I didn't know why my joints were painful, why I didn't have great energy, and why I just generally didn't feel very well. Then I had my first child and that's when insomnia truly hit. I was exhausted at the end of every day but still couldn't sleep. Eventually, I developed digestion problems, and things started to really spiral from there.

Then, I decided to get a Master's degree in Clinical Nutrition, certain that food was the answer. But even after all that training, food only moved the needle a little. So, I started to question if feeling this way was as good as it would get—if it was all due to "aging" or if I was a typical "tired parent." But I couldn't buy into it. Just because issues are "common" doesn't mean they're "normal."

That's when I came across quantum biology. It was mind-boggling to me that no one had ever told me about my light environment before, or what electrons and water have to do with our health—especially because they're so simple, inexpensive, and widely available in something we so often overlook: Nature.

Nature, in the form of light, water, electrons, and mitochondria, changed my life. And once I started to teach all of this information to others, it started to change their lives, too.

So if any of this sounds familiar to you, I want you to know that, given these tools, your body can heal and thrive.

Carrie B. Wellness

Helping you live quantum-ly.

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