Thyroid-Adrenal Bundle

The cost for this digital course is self-determined. Before switching to this model of pricing, the estimated value was $329. If that seems too high or too low for you, you may choose another amount. If your budget is genuinely tight, please choose less with my sincere blessing. If you feel affluent, go ahead and up it to a level similar to other courses of this nature. I trust you to choose the amount that feels right and fair, that represents a real commitment, and that respects your financial circumstances. For some people, that amount might be zero, in which case please feel free to choose that amount. After you've purchased, if you feel so compelled, you may always come back to offer me a tip out of gratitude, but it is neither expected nor required.

Other Ways to Buy:

All options give you the chance to self-determine what you pay.

Taking this course OR my Quantum Reset course is a PREREQUISITE to becoming a new 1:1 health coaching client of mine!


The help you need to repair your adrenals and heal your thyroid—two commonly linked issues—together at the same time!

Heal Your Thyroid
A three-hour webinar replay about the quantum perspective on how to heal your thyroid and to have (and maintain) healthy thyroid function. Whether you struggle with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, hyperthyroidism, or thyroid nodules, or just want to learn how to keep your thyroid functioning well, you'll learn:

  • How to optimize quantum & light signaling for your thyroid to function best
  • Your thyroid and cold thermogenesis
  • How red light therapy supports your thyroid
  • Which key wavelengths are needed on a daily basis to support healthy thyroid levels
  • And, some more classic topics regarding thyroid health: iodine, other minerals, leaky gut support, & much more

And, The Adrenal Fatigue Fix, One of my Signature Courses

Struggle with low energy? Hard to get out of bed each day? Adrenal fatigue can make it hard to move, much less flourish. This course will help you learn how to go from burnt out and barely functioning to the thriving version of yourself.


  • Anyone who's ever found themselves wondering if they'd be able to hold down a "normal" job or do "normal" life activities—like exercise regularly, have or play with their children in the ways they'd like, or contribute to society—because you literally don't have the energy to do it all like everyone else seems to.
  • Anyone who's been told by traditional medical practitioners that adrenal fatigue is "fake," "made up," or "all in your head."
  • Anyone who's tried solving adrenal issues from a biochemical level—lab work for iron levels, Vitamin D, and more—but still finds themselves having difficulty getting out of bed or off the couch each day.
  • Anyone who's tried everything they know how to do from the traditional medical model (pharmaceuticals, surgeries, etc.) or even functional medical model (mold remediation, supplements, detoxes, cleanses, etc.) but still struggles with energy throughout the day.
  • Anyone who's been told that diet is the most or only important factor in your health or energy levels but has never had diet alone truly change their adrenal function.
  • Anyone who might have related symptoms, like thyroid or digestive/gut health problems, but still can't seem to solve the puzzle.
  • And, anyone who's been made to feel like "settling" for your current level of health or energy is the best you're ever going to get.

You'll get LIFETIME ACCESS to all 28 video lessons (~5.5 hours of video) and additional course materials...

Introduction (4 Video Lessons)

  • My Personal Fatigue Journey (7 mins)
  • Traditional vs. Functional vs. Quantum Biologic Perspectives on Adrenal Fatigue (9 mins)
  • Mindset: The Thriving Version of Yourself (9 mins)
  • Symptom Questionnaire — The NAQ (6 mins)

Phase 1: Syncing Your Signals (4 Video Lessons)

  • Using Light to Sync Your Primary Signals (23 mins)
  • How to Use the Circadian.Life App (4 mins)
  • When to Block Artificial Light (9 mins)
  • Syncing Up to Darkness and Optimizing Sleep (23 mins)

Phase 2: Gathering Free Energy (5 Video Lessons)

  • What is Free Energy? (4 mins)
  • Earthing for Free Energy (15 mins)
  • Charging Up EZ Water for Free Energy (20 mins)
  • Breathing Mechanics for Enhanced Energy (15 mins)
  • Walking as the Best Movement to Maintain Energy (5 mins)

Phase 3: Healing Your Brain (2 Video Lessons)

  • The Adrenal-Brain Connection & How to Support It (13 mins)
  • Time in Nature (7 mins)

Phase 4: Optimizing Digestion, Leptin, & Nutrient Status (6 Video Lessons)

  • Supporting Digestion (34 mins)
  • When to Eat (6 Mins)
  • What to Eat (15 mins)
  • Optimizing Hydration (13 mins)
  • Being Nourished (13 mins)
  • Additional Gut Support (12 mins)

Phase 5: Additional Support (5 Video Lessons)

  • Adaptogens (10 mins)
  • Red Light Therapy (10 mins)
  • Gemmotherapy (7 mins)
  • Drainage Pathway Support (21 mins)
  • Supplements (8 mins)

Final Recap (2 Video Lessons)

  • An Ideal Day for Adrenal Fatigue Recovery (17 mins)
  • Final Words of Encouragement (2 mins)

FOUR Q&A Call Replays
Lifetime access to four Q&A replay recordings hosted on:

  • June 15, 2023
  • June 22, 2023
  • June 29, 2023
  • and July 6, 2023

These recordings were held specifically for individuals who purchased TAFF when it was first released and were specifically focused on adrenal fatigue-related questions. All replay recordings are also fully searchable by keyword, so even if you're purchasing now, you can either watch full replays or search for a specific topic of interest to you and be taken immediately to places in all videos where it was mentioned.


  • PDF Summaries
    Bullet-point lists to summarize the four main modules from the course, plus a summary list of practical applications to implement in your life each day, based on each main module.

  • Increased Accessibility
    All course lessons and masterclasses have accessibility and learning needs built-in—

    • All lessons are fully searchable by keyword/topic.
    • All lessons are broken up into SHORT chunks, usually between 5-10 minutes.
    • Your progress will be saved in any lesson you watch, so no need to remember where you left off.
    • All lessons include English video captions you can turn off/on.
    • All lessons include downloadable English transcripts in .txt format.
    • I hope to add downloadable Spanish transcripts in the future.
    • All lessons include a downloadable .mp3 audio file if you'd like to listen rather than watch.
    • All video lessons can be slowed down to as low as .5x speed or up to 2x speed in .25x increments, depending on your learning needs

  • And, Additional Resources
    Recommended lab assessments (and how to order them), links to scientific references to back up the course material, if either of these things are important to you, and access to my full product recommendations guide.

Cost: Self-Determined (See Details on This Page)