All Webinars Bundle

The cost for this webinar replay bundle is self-determined. Before switching to this model of pricing, the estimated value was $135. If that seems too high or too low for you, you may choose another amount. If your budget is genuinely tight, please choose less with my sincere blessing. If you feel affluent, go ahead and up it to a level similar to other courses of this nature. I trust you to choose the amount that feels right and fair, that represents a real commitment, and that respects your financial circumstances. For some people, that amount might be zero, in which case please feel free to choose that amount. After you've purchased, if you feel so compelled, you may always come back to offer me a tip out of gratitude, but it is neither expected nor required.

Other Ways to Buy:

All options give you the chance to self-determine what you pay.


In purchasing, you'll get lifetime access to:

  • Heal Your Thyroid (3 Hours)
  • Quantum Strategies for Anxiety & Depression (2 Hours)
  • Shifting Quantum Habits with the Seasons (1.5 Hours) 
  • Taking Advantage of Winter for Better Health (2 Hours)

All webinar replays have accessibility and learning needs built-in—

  • All videos are fully searchable by keyword/topic.
  • Your progress will be saved in any lesson you watch, so no need to remember where you left off.
  • All videos include English video captions you can turn off/on.
  • All videos include downloadable English transcripts in .txt format.
  • I hope to add downloadable Spanish transcripts in the future.
  • All videos include a downloadable .mp3 audio file if you'd like to listen rather than watch.
  • And all videos can be slowed down to as low as .5x speed or up to 2x speed in .25x increments, depending on your learning needs.

Cost: Self-Determined (See Details on This Page)