EZ Water Masterclass

The cost for this pre-recorded masterclass is self-determined. Before switching to this model of pricing, the estimated value was $97. If that seems too high or too low for you, you may choose another amount. If your budget is genuinely tight, please choose less with my sincere blessing. If you feel affluent, go ahead and up it to a level similar to other courses of this nature. I trust you to choose the amount that feels right and fair, that represents a real commitment, and that respects your financial circumstances. For some people, that amount might be zero, in which case please feel free to choose that amount. After you've purchased, if you feel so compelled, you may always come back to offer me a tip out of gratitude, but it is neither expected nor required.

About the Masterclass

In this comprehensive 90-minute video replay, I'll teach you about exclusion-zone water, otherwise known as EZ Water, and its crucial role in maintaining overall health by supporting various bodily functions. In addition to an easy-to-understand overview of the science behind EZ water—most importantly—I'll teach you practical strategies to support exclusion zone water levels in your body.

Specifically, I cover:

  • All the different names you might hear EZ water called
  • How EZ water is different than most water we know (hint: it's structured, like a liquid crystal, so it has the unique behaviors other liquid crystals do)
  • How EZ water holds a negative charge, and why that matters for our health
  • The importance of EZ water in improving and maintaining cellular health, protein interactions, detoxification, oxygenation, and communication within cells
  • The role of mitochondria in the production of EZ water
  • The influence of red light wavelengths on EZ water
  • The impact EZ water has on your blood and lymphatic flow
  • Factors that can deplete your EZ water levels
  • Strategies to support and maximize your EZ water levels
  • And, the role of nature and healing frequencies in promoting your overall well-being via EZ water

Plus a 1-Hour Q&A Replay

I hosted a live one-hour Q&A for anyone who purchased the masterclass before February 14, 2024. That Q&A replay will be available to you for life if you purchase now that it's over. This replay also has captions and the ability to search for key words so you can see if I answered any Qs that come up for you while watching the masterclass!

Everyone who purchases will also get:

  • Lifetime access to the masterclass replay, accessed via your account on my site
  • Lifetime access to the closing Q&A replay video (posted soon after it concludes on February 14, 2024)
  • A PDF download of my presentation deck for reference
  • Links or downloadable files of any other resources mentioned during the presentation
  • An audio file to listen instead, if you'd like (.mp3)
  • An English transcript if you prefer or need to read along instead (.txt)
  • The chat transcript from the closing Q&A in an English (.txt).

Cost: Self-Determined (See Details on This Page)